Drawing on the Unconditional Love and Wisdom of our Buddha Nature
Event type: Barre Path Program with 3 retreats: May 24-29, 2024; Nov. 8-13, 2024; Mar 7-12, 2025.
Teacher: John Makransky
Organization: Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Event type: Barre Path Program with 3 retreats: May 24-29, 2024; Nov. 8-13, 2024; Mar 7-12, 2025.
Teacher: John Makransky
Organization: Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Teacher: John Makransky
Event type: Hybrid in-person and on-line weekend retreat.
Organization: Gomde California (Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s U.S. Center).
Teachers: John Makransky and Rachel Cronin
Event type: Online weekend retreat
Organization: Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.
Week-long in-person retreat
Teacher: John Makransky
Organization: Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Teachers: John Makransky, Tulku Migmar Tsering, Hilary Herdman
Event type: Samye Institute summer immersion course in Buddhist Arts and Sciences (this course continues with further teachers, including Phakchok Rinpoche, until July 26 ).
Organization: Samye Institute New York
Teachers: John Makransky
Event type: Online daylong retreat, 10am to 5pm
Organization: Boston Center for Contemplative Practice.
Teacher: John Makransky
Event Type: Weekend on-line retreat
Organization: Barre Center for Buddhist Studies